M100063.2511 Acetic Acid (Glacial) 100% Anhydrous Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso 2.5 Lt. M100063.2500 Acetic Acid (Glacial) 100% Anhydrous Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso, 2.5 Lt.
M101830.2500 Acetic Acid (Glacial) 100% For Analysis Emparta® Acs UN2789 8 (3), II 2.5 Lt.
M100056.2500 Acetic Acid (Glacial) 100% suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp PhEur,BP,JP,USP,E 260 \ 2.5 Lt
M100013.2500 Acetone Emprove® Ph Eur,Bp,Nf ## UN1090 3, II \ 2.5 Lt.
M100014.2500 Acetone for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 Lt.
M100014.2511 Acetone for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur .5 Lt.
M100012.2500 Acetone For Gas Chromatography Suprasolv® UN1090 3, II 2.5 Lt.
M100020.2500 Acetone For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv® UN1090 3, II 2.5 Lt.
M113358.2500 Acetonitrile For Preparative Chromatography Prepsolv® UN1648 3, II 2.5 Lt.
M100030.2500 Acetonitrile Gradient Grade For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv® . Ph Eur II 2.5 Lt.
M100029.2500 Acetonitrile Hypergrade For Lc-Ms Lichrosolv® UN1648 3, II 2.5 Lt.
M101614.1000 Agar-Agar Granulated, Purified And Free From İnhibitors For Microbiology 1 Kg.
M101800.0500 Alkaline Peptone Water For Microbiology 500 Gr.
M100103.0250 Amidosulfuric Acid Gr For Analysis UN2967 8, III 250 Gr. M100099.0100 1- Amino-2-Hydroxy-4-Naphthalenesulfonic Acid For Determination Of Pho. 100 Gr.
M105432.2500 Ammonia Solution 25% Gr For Analysis UN2672 8, III 2.5 Lt.
M101145.1000 Ammonium Chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg.
M101126.0500 Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 500 Gr.
M101164.0250 Ammonium Fluoride Gr For Analysis Acs UN2505 6.1, III 250 Gr
M101180.1000 Ammonium Heptamolybdate Tetrahydrate (Ammonium Molybdate) Cryst. Extra 1 Kg
M101207.0500 Di- Ammonium Hydrogen Phosphate Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 500 Gr.
M101217.1000 Ammonium Sulfate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg.
M807500.1000 N- Amyl Alcohol For Synthesis UN1105 3, III 1 Lt. M807500.2500 N- Amyl Alcohol For Synthesis UN1105 3, III 2.5 Lt.
M113681.0001 Anaerobic Jar 2,5 l-volume 1 Ad. M132381.0001
Anaerocult A for microbiology Reagent for the generation of an anaerobic medium in an anaerobic jar . M132369.0001 Anaerocult A mini 25 Ad. M132383.0001 Anaerocult® C for microbiology ( for the generation of an oxygen-depleted and CO²-enriched atmospher 25 Ad . M132371.0001 Anaerotest for mikrobiology 50 Strip
M105272.0500 Antibiotic Agar No. 1 For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105269.0500 Antibiotic Agar No. 11 Grove And Randall Medium No. 11 For Microbiology 500 Gr.
M101590.0500 Azide Dextrose Broth For Microbiology UN1687 6.1, II 500 Gr.
M109875.0010 Bacillus Cereus Selective Supplement For Microbiology 10 Fl.
M113306.0001 Bactident® Coagulase Rabbit Plasma With Edta, Lyophilized 18 Ml. M105406.0500 Baird-Parker Agar Staphylococcus Selective Agar (Base) Acc. To Baird-Parker For Microbiology 500 Gr . M800133.0250 Barbituric Acid For Synthesis 250 Gr. M101717.1000 Barium Chloride Dihydrate Extra Pure UN1564 6.1, III 1 Kg.
M107994.0500 Bat Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M100072.0500 Bile Aesculin Azide Agar, Acc. To Iso 7899-2 For Microbiology 500 Gr.
M110886.0500 Blood Agar (Base) For The İsolation And Cultivation Of Various Fastidious Microorganisms 500 Gr. M100165.1000 Boric Acid Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M110747.0500 Bpls Agar Modified Brilliant-Green Phenol-Red Lactose Sucrose Agar Modified, For Microbiology 500 Gr. M110493.0500 Brain Heart Broth For The Cultivation Of Fastidious Bacteria 500 Gr . M103870.0500 Brain Heart İnfusıon ( BHI ) Agar 500 Gr. M105454.0500 Brıla Broth Brilliant-Green Bile Lactose Broth For Microbiology 500 Gr. M108122.0025 Bromophenol Blue İndicator Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 25 Gr. M101617.0500 Bryant Burkey Broth With Resazurin And Lactate For Microbiology 500 Gr. M109438.1000 Buffer Solution PH-10 (Boric Acid/Potassium Chloride/Sodium Hydroxide), Traceable To Srm From Nıst 1 Lt. M109435.1000 Buffer Solution PH-4 (Citric Acid/Sodium Hydroxide/Hydrogen Chloride), Traceable To Srm From Nıst 1 Lt. M109439.1000 Buffer Solution PH-7 (Di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate/Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate), Traceable To Srm 1 Lt.
M109461.1000 Buffer Solution PH-9 (Boric Acid/Potassium Chloride/Sodium Hydroxide), 1 Lt.
M111374.0100 Buffer Tablets Ph 6.8 For Preparing Buffer Solution Acc. To Weıse For The Staining Of Blood Smears 100 Tablet
M109325.0500 Calcium Acetate Hydrate [About 94% Ca(Ch3Coo)2] For Soil Testing 500 Gr.
M102378.0500 Calcium Chloride Anhydrous Powder Reag. Ph Eur 500 Gr.
M102382.1000 Calcium Chloride Dihydrate For Analysis Emsure® Acs 1 Kg. M802100.0100 Calcium Hydride % 95 For Synthesis UN1404 4.3, I 100 Gr . M111723.0500 Casein-Peptone Lecithin Polysorbate Broth (Base) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M100071.0010 Ccda Selective Supplement For Preparation Of 5 L Campylobacter Blood-Free Selective Agar (Modified 10 Vial
M102693.1000 Celite® 545 Particle Size 0.02-0.1 Mm 1 Kg. M102330.0500 Cellulose Microcrystalline For Thin-Layer Chromatography 500 Gr.
M105267.0500 Cereus Selective Agar Base Acc. To Mossel («» Myp Agar) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M109092.1000 Cerium(Iv) Sulfate Solution C(Ce(So4)2 * 4 H2O) = 0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) UN3264 8, III 1 Lt. M105284.0500 Cetrimide Agar Pseudomonas Selective Agar Base For Microbiology UN3077 9, III 500 M114670.0001 Chlorine Test İn Freshwater And Seawater Method: Colorimetric With Colour Card 0.1 – 0.25 – 0.5 – 1 100 Test M117925.0001 Chlorine Test Method: Colorimetric With Test Strips 0 – 0.5 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 10 – 20 Mg/L Cl2 MQuant™ 75 adet M117924.0001 Chlorine Test Method: Colorimetric With Test Strips 0 – 25 – 50 – 100 – 200 – 500 Mg/L Cl2 MQuant™ 1 Set M801791.2500 Chlorobenzene For Synthesis UN1134 3, III 2.5 Lt. M102445.2500 Chloroform for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 Lt. M102444.2500 Chloroform For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv® UN1888 6.1, III 2.5 Lt. M100439.0010 Chromocult® Listeria Agar Enrichment-Supplement For Preparation Of 5 L Listeria Selective Agar 10 Vial M100432.0010 Chromocult® Listeria Agar Selective-Supplement Lyophilisate for 5 L 10 Vial M116122.0500 Chromocult® Tbx (Tryptone Bile X-Glucuronide) Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M818707.1000 Citric Acid Anhydrous For Synthesis 1 Kg. M100244.1000 Citric Acid Monohydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M100888.0010 Clostridium Perfringens Selective Supplement For Preparation Of 5 L Tsc Agar 10 Vial M100850.0500 Coliform Agar Es (Enhanced Selectivity) For Microbiology Chromocult® 500 Gr. M110426.0500 Coliform Agar For Microbiology Chromocult® 500 Gr. M101298.0001 Coliforms 100 Readycult® 20 Test M101295.0001 Coliforms 50 Readycult® 20 Test M100214.0500 Colombia Agar ( base ) 500 Gr. M109255.0500 Combicoulomat Frit Karl Fischer Reagent For The Coulometric Water Determination For Cells With Diap 500 Ml. M109257.0500 Combicoulomat Fritless Karl Fischer Reagent For Coulometric Water Determination For Cells With And 500 Ml. M188005.1000 Combititrant 5 One-Component Reagent For Volumetric Karl Fischer Titration 1 Ml «» Ca. 5 Mg H2O Apu 1 Lt. M115444.0025 Coomassie® Brilliant Blue G 250 (C.I. 42655) For Electrophoresis 25 Gr. M112553.0025 Coomassie® Brilliant Blue R 250 (C.I. 42660) For Electrophoresis Trademark Of Imperial Chemical Ind 25 Gr. M102733.0250 Copper(Iı) Chloride Dihydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur UN2802 8, III 250 Gr. M102790.1000 Copper(Iı) Sulfate Pentahydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN3077 9, III 1 Kg. M115940.0025 Crystal Violet (C.I. 42555) For Microscopy Certistain® UN3077 9, III 25 Gr. M109202.0010 Ct-Supplement For Microbiology 10 Fl. M100778.0001 Cult Dip Combi (Dikkat Çok Kisa Raf Ömrü) 10 Test M113311.0001 Cultura Mini incubator (230 V) For Microbiology 1 Kt. M102832.2500 Cyclohexane Extra Pure UN1145 3, II 2.5 Lt. M102888.2500 Cyclohexanone EMPLURA® UN1915 3, III 2.5 Lt. M100025.0500 Demi Fraser Broth With Antibiotics For Microbiology 500 Gr. M110860.0500 Dextrose Casein-Peptone Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M100465.0500 Dichloran Glycerol (Dg18)-Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M100466.0500 Dichloran Rose-Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (Drbc) acc. ISO 21527 and FDA-BAM GranuCult® 500 Gr. M803541.1000 Dichloroacetic Acid For Synthesis UN1764 8, II 1 Lt. M106050.2500 Dichloromethane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 Lt. M106054.2500 Dichloromethane For Gas Chromatography Suprasolv® UN1593 6.1, III 2.5 Lt. M106044.2500 Dichloromethane For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv® UN1593 6.1, III 2.5 Lt. M803646.1000 Diisopropylamine For Synthesis UN1158 3 (8), II 1 Lt. M818757.0005 2,3- Dimercapto-1-Propanol For Synthesis UN2810 6.1, III 5 Ml. M116743.1000 Dimethyl Sulfoxide Emplura 1 Lt. M102952.2500 Dimethyl Sulfoxide for analysis EMSURE® ACS 2.5 Lt. M803235.2500 N,N- Dimethylacetamide For Synthesis 2.5 Lt. M103053.2500 N,N- Dimethylformamide Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN2265 3, III 2.5 Lt. M820528.0100 Diphenylamine For Synthesis UN3077 9, III 100 Gr. M100255.0005 Diphenylamine-4-Sulfonic Acid Barium Salt Redox İndicator UN1564 6.1, III 5 Gr. M110765.0500 Ec Broth For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105403.0500 Ee Broth-Mossel (Acc. Harm. Ep/Usp/Jp) Enterobacteriaceae Enrichment Broth-Mossel For Microbiology 500 Gr. M103784.0100 Egg Yolk Emulsion Sterile, For Microbiology 100 Ml. M103785.0050 Egg Yolk Tellurite Emulsion Sterile, For Microbiology 50 Ml. M103858.0500 EMB (Eosin Methylene Blue) Agar 500 Gr. M104044.0500 Endo Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M107961.0100 Entellan® New Rapid Mounting Medium For Microscopy UN1866 3, III 100 Ml. M107961.0500 Entellan® New Rapid Mounting Medium For Microscopy UN1866 3, III 500 Ml. M101299.0001 Enterococci 100 Readycult® UN3288 6.1, III 20 Test M102136.0001 Envirocheck Contact C (Total Coliforms/E.Coli) (Dikkat Çok Kisa Raf Ömrü) 10 Test M102439.2500 Eosın Y-Solutıon 0.5% Alcoholıc For Mıcroscopy UN1170 3, II 2.5 Lt. M109844.1000 Eosin Y-Solution 0.5% Aqueous For Microscopy 1 Lt. M103170.0025 Eriochrome Black T (C.I. 14645) İndicator For Complexometry Acs,Reag. Ph Eur UN3077 9, III 25 Gr. M109623.2500 Ethyl Acetate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur ( CAM AMBJ ) 2.5 Lt. M100868.2500 Ethyl Acetate For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv® UN1173 3, II 2.5 Lt. M100949.1000 Ethylene Glycol Extra Pure 1 Lt. M109621.2500 Ethylene Glycol Gr For Analysis Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 Lt. M109161.0100 Ferroin İndicator Solution For Waste Water Analysis 100 Ml. M108191.0500 Fluid Thioglycolate Medium For Microbiology 500 Gr. M119814.0500 Fluoride Standard Solution Naf İn H2O 1000 Mg/L F¯ Certipur® 500 Ml. M109001.0100 Folin-Ciocalteu S Phenol Reagent UN3264 8, III 100 Ml. M109001.0500 Folin-Ciocalteu S Phenol Reagent UN3264 8, III 500 Ml. M104003.2500 Formaldehyde Solution Min. 37% Gr For Analysis Stabilized With About 10% Methanol Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 Lt. M104002.2500 Formaldehyde Solution Min. 37% Stabilized With About 10% Methanol Ph Eur,Bp,Usp UN2209 8, III 2.5 Lt. M104008.1000 Formamide Extra Pure 1 Lt. M109684.1000 Formamide for analysis EMSURE® 1 Lt. M100264.2500 Formic Acid 98-100% Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur UN1779 8 (3), II 2.5 Lt. M100093.0010 Fraser Lısterıa Selectıve Supplement 10 Vial M100092.0010 Fraser Listerıa Ammonium Iron (III) Supplement 10 Vial M110398.0500 Fraser Listeria Selective Enrichment Broth (Base) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105323.0250 D(-) Fructose For Microbiology 250 Gr. M105231.0025 Fuchsin Acid (C.I. 42685) For Microscopy Certistain® 25 Gr. M842649.0025 Gallıc Acıd (Anhydrous)_For Synthesıs 25 Gr. M814464.0005 Gibberellic Acid For Synthesis 5 Gr. M109204.0500 Giemsa S Azur Eosin Methylene Blue Solution Microscopy UN1230 3 (6.1), II 500 Ml. M109204.2500 Giemsa S Azur Eosin Methylene Blue Solution For Microscopy UN1230 3 (6.1), II 2.5 Lt. M108337.1000 D(+)- Glucose Anhydrous For Biochemistry Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M108342.1000 D(+)- Glucose Monohydrate For Microbiology 1 Kg. M100291.0250 L- Glutamic Acid For Biochemistry 250 Gr. M104057.2511 Glycerol (vegetable )Gr For Analysıs EMSURE ,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 Lt. M818709.1000 Glycerol Anhydrous For Synthesis 1 Lt. M814186.1000 Glycolic Acid (70% Solution İn Water) For Synthesis UN3265 8, II 1 Lt. M109218.0500 Gram S Crystal Violet Solution For The Gram Staining Method UN1993 3, III 500 Ml. M111885.0001 Gram-Color Stain Set For The Gram Staining Method UN1993 3, II 1 Kt. M100215.0500 Hektoen Enteric Agar ( HE ) 500 Gr. M104302.0100 Hematoxylin Cryst. (C.I. 75290) For Microscopy 100 Gr. M105174.0500 Hematoxylin Solution Modified Acc. To Gill Iıı For Microscopy 500 Ml. M104365.2500 N- Heptane EMPLURA® 2.5 Lt. M104360.2500 N- Heptane for gas chromotography ECD UN1206 3, II 2.5 Lt. M104390.2500 N- Heptane For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv® UN1206 3, II 2.5 Lt. M104379.2511 N- Heptane Gr For Analysis Reag. Ph Eur UN1206 3, II ( Plastik şişededir ) 2.5 Lt. M104391.2500 N- Hexane ( % 98 ) For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv UN1208 3, II 2.5 Lt. M104368.2500 N- Hexane EMPLURA® 2.5 Lt. M104368.2511 N- Hexane EMPLURA® 2.5 Lt. M100795.2500 N- Hexane for gas chromatography MS SupraSolv®. 2.5 Lt. M104371.2500 N- Hexane For Gas Chromatography Suprasolv® UN1208 3, II 2.5 Lt. M104367.2500 N- Hexane Gr For Analysis Acs UN1208 3, II 2.5 Lt. M100318.1000 Hydrochloric Acid 30% Suprapur® UN1789 8, II 1 Lt. M101514.1000 Hydrochloric Acid 30% Ultrapur UN1789 8, II 1 Lt. M100319.2500 Hydrochloric Acid 32% Gr For Analysis UN1789 8, II 2.5 Lt. M109060.1000 Hydrochloric Acid C(Hcl) = 0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) UN1789 8, III 1 Lt. M109058.1000 Hydrochloric Acid C(Hcl) = 0,5 Mol/L (0,5 N) UN1789 8, III 1 Lt. M109057.1000 Hydrochloric Acid C(Hcl) = 1 Mol/L (1 N) UN1789 8, III 1 Lt. M109973.0001 Hydrochloric Acid For 1000 Ml C(Hcl) = 0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) Titrisol® UN1789 8, II 1 Kt. M109971.0001 Hydrochloric Acid For 1000 Ml C(Hcl) = 0,5 Mol/L (0,5 N) Titrisol® UN1789 8, II 1 Kt. M109970.0001 Hydrochloric Acid For 1000 Ml C(Hcl) = 1 Mol/L (1 N) Titrisol® UN1789 8, II 1 Kt. M100314.2500 Hydrochloric Acid Fuming 37% Emprove® Ph Eur,Bp,Jp,Nf UN1789 8, II \ 2.5 Lt. M100317.2500 Hydrochloric Acid Fuming 37% Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN1789 8, II 2.5 Lt. M100337.2500 Hydrofluoric Acid 38-40% EMPLURA® 2.5 Lt. M107209.1000 Hydrogen Peroxide 30% (Perhydrol®) for analysis EMSURE® ISO 1 Lt. M108597.2500 Hydrogen peroxide 30% stabilized EMPROVE® ESSENTIAL Ph Eur,BP,USP\ 2.5 Lt. M108600.2500 Hydrogen peroxide 35% 2.5 Lt. M130101.0021 Hy-Lite® Refill Pack 100 Pens For Surface Control And 100 Atp-Free Swabs 100 Test M131200.0001 Hy-Rise ColourTest 50 adet 50 Ünite M104699.0100 Immersion Oil For Microscopy UN3082 9, III 100 Ml. M104699.0500 Immersion Oil For Microscopy UN3082 9, III 500 Ml. M108430.1000 Indicator Buffer Tablets For The Determination Of Water Hardness With Titriplex® Solutions 1000 tblt M100354.0025 Indole-3-Butyric Acid Lab UN2811 6.1, II 25 Gr. M100354.0100 Indole-3-Butyric Acid Lab UN2811 6.1, II 100 Gr. M109910.0001 Iodine Solution For 1000 Ml C(I2) = 0,05 Mol/L (0,1 N) Titrisol® 1 Kt. M104761.0100 Iodine Sublimated Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN3495 8 (6.1), III 100 Gr. M104761.0500 Iodine Sublimated Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN3495 8 (6.1), III 500 Gr. M103943.0250 Iron(Iıı) Chloride Hexahydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 250 Gr. M103943.1000 Iron(Iıı) Chloride Hexahydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M104335.2500 Isohexane For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv® UN1208 3, II 2.5 Lt. M104727.2500 Isooctane ( 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ) for Analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 Lt. M115440.2500 Isooctane For Gas Chromatography Suprasolv® UN1262 3, II 2.5 Lt. M104718.2500 Isooctane For Spectroscopy Uvasol® UN1262 3, II 2.5 Lt. M110707.0500 Kf Streptococcus Agar (Base) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M115348.1000 Kjeldahl Tablets (Free Of Mercury And Selenium) 5 G/Tablet UN3077 9, III 1000 tblt M110958.0250 Kjeldahl Tablets For Wieninger Method 5G/Tablet UN3077 9, III 250 Tablet M109293.0100 Kovacs İndole Reagent For Microbiology UN2920 8 (3), II 100 Ml. M100366.2500 (S)- Lactic Acıd About 90% Extra Pure Ph Eur,Bp,E 270 \ 2.5 Lt. M113741.0100 Lactophenol Blue Solution For Staining Fungi UN2821 6.1, II 100 Ml. M107661.0500 Lactose Broth For Microbiology 500 Gr. M107680.0500 Lactose Ttc Agar With Tergitol® 7 For Microbiology 500 Gr. M110266.0500 Lauryl Sulfate Broth For Microbiology 500 Gr. M112588.0500 Lauryl Sulfate Broth For Microbiology Fluorocult® 500 Gr. M110283.0500 Lb Agar (Mıller) ( Luria Bertani ) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M110285.0500 Lb Broth (Mıller) ( Luria Bertani ) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M110405.0500 Letheen-Broth Base Modified For The Determination Of Bacterial Activity 500 Gr. M100427.0500 Listeria Selective Agar Base Acc. Ottavıanı And Agostı (Iso 11290) For Microbiology Chromocult® 500 Gr. M111781.0010 Listeria Selective Enrichment Supplement UN2928 6.1 (8), I 10 Vial M818287.0050 Lithium İodide Anhydrous For Synthesis 50 Gr. M110620.0500 Lmx Broth Modified Acc. To Manafı And Ossmer For Microbiology Fluorocult® 500 Gr. M101287.0500 LöfflerS Methylene Blue Solution For Microscopy UN1993 3, III 500 Ml. M109261.1000 Lugol S Solution (Diluted İodine-Potassium İodide Solution) For The Gram Staining Method 1 Lt. M115108.0500 M 17 Agar Acc. To Terzaghı For Microbiology 500 Gr. M115029.0500 M 17 Broth Acc. To Terzaghı For Microbiology 500 Gr. M100205.0500 MacCONKEY Agar ( MAC ) 500 Gr. M105396.0500 Macconkey Broth For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105833.1000 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M105886.0500 Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 500 Gr. M105886.1000 Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M105398.0500 Malt Extract Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105397.0500 Malt Extract Broth For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105391.0500 Malt Extract For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105982.0500 D(-) Mannitol For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105404.0500 Mannitol Salt Phenol-Red Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M112535.0500 Maximum Recovery Diluent For Microbiology 500 Gr. M101424.0500 May-Grünwald S Eosine-Methylene Blue Solution Modified For Microscopy UN1230 3 (6.1), II 500 Ml. M101424.2500 May-Grünwald S Eosine-Methylene Blue Solution Modified For Microscopy UN1230 3 (6.1), II 2.5 Lt. M105262.0500 Membrane-Filter Enterococcus Selective Agar Acc. To Slanetz And Bartley For Microbiology 500 Gr. M111277.0500 M-Endo Agar Les For Microbiology 500 Gr. M805740.0250 2- Mercaptoethanol For Synthesis UN2966 6.1, II 250 Ml. M104481.0100 Mercury(Iı) Sulfate Extra Pure UN1645 6.1, II 100 Gr. M104481.0250 Mercury(Iı) Sulfate Extra Pure UN1645 6.1, II 250 Gr. M106008.2500 Methanol Extra Pure Ph Eur,Bp,Nf UN1230 3 (6.1), II \ 2.5 Lt. M106018.2500 Methanol For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv® UN1230 3 (6.1), II 2.5 Lt. M106009.2500 Methanol Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN1230 3 (6.1), II 2.5 Lt. M106009.2511 Methanol Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN1230 3 (6.1), II 2.5 Lt. M106007.2500 Methanol Gradient Grade For Liquid Chromatography Lichrosolv® Reag. Ph Eur UN1230 3 (6.1), II 2.5 Lt. M106035.2500 Methanol Hypergrade For Lc-Ms Lichrosolv® UN1230 3 (6.1), II 2.5 Lt. M101322.0025 Methyl Orange (C.I. 13025) İndicator Acs,Reag. Ph Eur UN2811 6.1, III 25 Gr. M101323.1000 Methyl Orange Solution 0.1% İndicator Ph 3.1-4.4 (Red Yellow-Orange) 1 Lt. M106076.0025 Methyl Red (C.I. 13020) İndicator Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 25 Gr. M115943.0025 Methylene Blue (C.I. 52015) For Microscopy Certistain® 25 Gr. M115943.0100 Methylene Blue (C.I. 52015) For Microscopy Certistain® 100 Gr. M106130.0250 Mixed İndicator 5 For Ammonia Titrations UN1170 3, II 250 Ml. M105394.0500 Mossel Broth Enterobacteriaceae Enrichment Broth Acc. To Mossel For Micro500 Gr. M110660.0500 Mrs Agar Lactobacillus Agar Acc. To De Man, Rogosa And Sharpe For Micro500 Gr. M110661.0500 Mrs Broth Lactobacillus Broth Acc. To De Man, Rogosa And Sharpe For Micro 500 Gr. M105712.0500 Mr-Vp Broth Methyl-Red Voges-Proskauer Broth For Microbiology 500 Gr. M109878.0500 Msrv Medium (Base) Modified For Microbiology 500 Gr. M109205.0500 Mtsb-Broth With Novobiocin For Microbiology 500 Gr. M103872.0500 MUELLER-HINTON ( MH ) Agar 500 Gr. M105878.0500 Muller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Novobiocine Enrichment Broth Acc. To Iso For Microbiology 500 Gr. M100045.0010 Mup Selectıve Supplement 10 Vial M109843.5000 Neo-Clear® (Xylene Substitute) For Microscopy UN3295 3, III 5 Lt. M109028.0500 Nessler S Reagent For Ammonium Salts UN2922 8 (6.1), II 500 Ml. M106762.0010 Ninhydrin Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 10 Gr. M110020.0001 Nitrate Test Method Colorimetric With Test Strips10-25-50-100-250-500Mg/LNo3MQuant 100 Strip M101518.1000 Nitric Acid 60% Ultrapur UN2031 8, II 1 Lt. M100443.2500 Nitric Acid 65% Extra Pure UN2031 8 (5.1), II 2.5 Lt. M100452.2500 Nitric Acid 65% Gr For Analysis (Max. 0,005Ppm Hg) Iso UN2031 8 (5.1), II 2.5 Lt. M100456.2500 Nitric Acid 65% Gr For Analysis Iso UN2031 8 (5.1), II 2.5 Lt. M100441.1000 Nitric Acid 65% Suprapur® UN2031 8 (5.1), II 1 Lt. M105450.0500 Nutrient Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105443.0500 Nutrient Broth For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105978.0500 Ogye Agar, Base Acc. To Iso For Microbiology 500 Gr. M109877.0010 Ogye Selective Supplement For Microbiology 1 Kt. M110673.0500 Orange-Serum Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M100573.2500 Ortho-Phosphoric Acid 85% Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN1805 8, III 2.5 Lt. M107006.0010 Oxford Lısterıa Selectıve Supplement For UN2811 6.1, I 10 Vial M107004.0500 Oxford-Listeria-Selective-Agar (Base) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M100181.0002 Oxidase For The Detection Of Cytochrome Oxidase in Microorganisms Bacti 50 Strip M112122.0010 Palcam Lısterıa Selectıve-Supplement Acc 10 Fl. M111755.0500 Palcam Listeria-Selective Agar (Base) Acc. To Van Netten Et Al. For Microbiology 500 Gr. M109253.0500 Papanicolaou S Solution 1A Harris Hematoxylin Solution For Cytological Cancer And Cycle Diagnosis 500 Ml. M109253.2500 Papanicolaou S Solution 1A Harris Hematoxylin Solution For Cytological Cancer And Cycle Diagnosis 2.5 Lt. M106888.2500 Papanicolaou S Solution 2A Orange G Solution (Og 6) For Cytological Cancer And Cycle Diagnosis 2.5 Lt. M109272.2500 Papanicolaou S Solution 3B Polychromatic Solution Ea 50 For Cytological Cancer And Cycle Diagnosis 2.5 Lt. M107160.1000 Paraffin Viscous Ph Eur,Bp,Usp 1 Lt. M820957.2500 N- Pentane For Synthesis UN1265 3, II 2.5 Lt. M107228.0500 Peptone Water (Buffered); Acc. To Iso 6579 For Microbiology 500 Gr. M107228.5000 Peptone Water (Buffered); Acc. To Iso 6579 For Microbiology 5 Kg. M100519.2500 Perchloric Acid 70-72% Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN1873 5.1 (8), I 2.5 Lt. M109065.1000 Perchloric Acid İn Anhydrous Acetic Acid, For Titrations İn Non-Aqueous Media C(Hclo4) = 0,1 Mol/L 1 Lt. M107040.0001 Petri-Dish Rack For Up To 12 Petri Dishes 1 Ad. M101774.2500 Petroleum Benzine Boiling Range 60-80°C Gr For Analysis UN1268 3, II 2.5 Lt. M107225.0010 1,10- Phenanthroline Monohydrate Gr For Analysis And Redox İndicator 10 Gr. M100201.1000 Phenol Emprove® Ph Eur,Usp UN1671 6.1, II \ 1 Kg. M107233.0100 Phenolphthalein İndicator Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 100 Gr. M107227.0250 Phenolphthalein Solution 1% İn Ethanol İndicator Ph 8.2 – 9.8 UN1170 3, III 250 Ml. M109526.0003 Ph-İndicator Paper Ph 1 – 10 Universal İndicator Roll (4.8 M) With Colour Scale Ph 1 – 2 – 3 – 1 rulo M109557.0003 Ph-İndicator Paper Ph 6.4 – 8.0 Special İndicator Roll (4.8 M) With Colour Scale Ph 6.4 – 6.7 – 1 rulo M109533.0001 Ph-İndicator Strips Non-Bleeding Ph 5.0 – 10.0 Ph 5 – 5.5 – 6 – 6.5 – 7 – 7.5 – 8 – 8.5 – 9 – 9.5 1 Kt. M107069.0025 Phloroglucinol (1,3,5-Trihydroxybenzene) Gr For Analysis Reag. Ph Eur 25 Gr. M170340.0100 Phosphorus Icp Standard Traceable To Srm From Nıst H3Po4 İn H2O 1000 Mg/L P Certipur® 100 Ml. M105463.0500 Plate Count Agar acc. ISO 4833, ISO 17410 and FDA-BAM GranuCult® 500 Gr. M115338.0500 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M807485.1000 Polyethylene Glycol 400 For Synthesis 1 Lt. M807491.1000 Polyethylene Glycol 6000 For Synthesis 1 Kg. M104907.0100 Potassium Bromide For Ir Spectroscopy Uvasol® 100 Gr. M104907.0500 Potassium Bromide For Ir Spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 Gr. M104928.1000 Potassium Carbonate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M104936.1000 Potassium Chloride for analysis EMSURE® 1 Kg. M101557.0500 Potassium Chloride Solution (Nominal 0.147 Ms/Cm) Certified Reference Material For The Measurement 500 Ml. M101203.0500 Potassium Chloride Solution (Nominal 1.41 Ms/Cm) Certified Reference Material For The Measurement O 500 Ml. M104817.0250 Potassium Chloride Solution 3 Mol/L 250 Ml. M104952.0250 Potassium Chromate Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur UN3288 6.1, II 250 Gr. M104864.0500 Potassium Dichromate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN3086 6.1 (5.1), II 500 Gr. M104864.1000 Potassium Dichromate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN3086 6.1 (5.1), II 1 Kg. M109928.0001 Potassium Dichromate Solution For 1000 Ml C(K2Cr2O7) = 1/60 Mol/L (0,1 N) Titrisol® UN3287 6.1, III 1 Amp. M104873.1000 Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Gr For Analysis Iso 1 Kg. M104994.1000 Potassium Fluoride Gr For Analysis UN1812 6.1, III 1 Kg. M105104.1000 Di- Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate Anhydrous Gr For Analysis 1 Kg. M105099.0250 Di- Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate Trihydrate Gr For Analysis 250 Gr. M104874.0250 Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate Gr For Analysis Reag. Ph Eur 250 Gr. M104874.1000 Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate Gr For Analysis Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M102400.0080 Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate Volumetric Standard, Secondary Reference Material For Alkalimetry, Tra 80 Gr. M105012.1000 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets EMPLURA 1 Kg. M105033.1000 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets Gr For Analysis UN1813 8, II 1 Kg. M109115.1000 Potassium Hydroxide Solution İn Ethanol C(Koh) = 0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) UN2924 3 (8), II 1 Lt. M105544.1000 Potassium Hydroxide Solution İn İsopropanol Acc. To Dın 51558 Part 1 C(Koh)=0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) 1 Lt. M105043.0250 Potassium İodide for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 Gr. M105043.1000 Potassium İodide for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M108087.1000 Potassium Sodium Tartrate Tetrahydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M105153.1000 Potassium Sulfate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M110130.0500 Potato Dextrose Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M107434.0010 L- Proline ( % 99 ) For Biochemistry 10 Gr. M818766.2500 2- Propanol EMPLURA®. CAS No. 67-63-0, 2.5 Lt. M109634.2500 2- Propanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 Lt. M109634.2511 2- Propanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur ( PLASTİK ŞİŞEDEDİR ) 2.5 Lt. M100995.2500 2- Propanol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP \ 2.5 Lt. M107627.0010 Pseudomonas Cfc Selectıve Supplement For UN3077 9, III 10 Vial M107624.0010 Pseudomonas Cn Selectıve Supplement For The UN3077 9, III 10 Ünite M107620.0500 Pseudomonas Selective Agar (Base) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M107462.1000 Pyrıdıne Emplura® UN1282 3, II 1 Lt. M107536.1000 Quartz Fine Granular, Washed And Calcined Gr For Analysis 1 Kg. M117920.0001 Quaternary Ammonium Compounds Method: Colorimetric With Test Strips 10 – 25 – 50 – 100 – 250 – 500 100 Test M100416.0500 R2A Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M107666.0500 Rappaport-Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth (Acc. Harm. Ep/Usp/Jp) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105411.0500 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (Rcm) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M115525.0001 Ringer Tablets For The Preparation Of Ringer s Solution 1 Kt. M100467.0500 Rose-Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (Rbc) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M103873.0500 Saboraud % 2 dextrose Agar 500 Gr. M105438.0500 Sabouraud 4% Dextrose Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M108339.0500 Sabouraud-2% Dextrose Broth For Microbiology 500 Gr. M115948.0025 Safranine O (C.I. 50240) For Microscopy Certistain® 25 Gr. M107700.0500 Salmonella Enrichment Broth Acc. To Rappaport And Vassılıadıs (Rvs Broth) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M109033.0500 Schiff s Reagent For Microscopy And For Electrophoresis 500 Ml. M107711.1000 Sea Sand Extra Pure 1 Kg. M100212.0500 Selenite Cystine (SC) broth acc. ISO 6579 and FDA-BAM (contains sodium selenite) GranuCult® prime 500 Gr. M103855.0500 SIMMONS Citrate Agar 500 Gr. M107743.0100 Silicon Anti-Foaming Agent Lab 100 Gr. M109081.1000 Silver Nitrate Solution C(Agno3) = 0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) UN1760 8, III 1 Lt. M109990.0001 Silver Nitrate Solution For 1000 Ml C(Agno3) = 0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) Titrisol® M106267.1000 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M822335.0100 Sodium Azide For Synthesis UN1687 6.1, II 100 Gr. M822335.1000 Sodium Azide For Synthesis UN1687 6.1, II 1 Kg. M106392.1000 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous Gr For Analysis Iso 1 Kg. M106400.5000 Sodium Chloride EMPROVE® ESSENTIAL Ph Eur,BP,USP\ 5 Kg. M106404.1000 Sodium Chloride Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M110582.0500 Sodium Chloride Peptone Broth (Buffered) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M106448.1000 Tri- Sodium Citrate Dihydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M106345.1000 Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate EmprPh Eur,Bp,Usp,Jpe,Fcc,E 339 \ 1 Kg. M106345.5000 Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate Emprove® Ph Eur,Bp,Usp,Jpe,Fcc,E 339 \ 5 Kg. M106346.1000 Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Monohydrate Gr For Ana Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M106528.1000 Sodium Disulfite (Sodium Metabisulfite) Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M106323.2500 Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Emprove® Ph Eur,Bp,Usp,Fcc,E 500,Jp \ 2,5 Kg. M106329.1000 Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M106586.0500 Di- Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Anhydrous Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 500 Gr. M106586.2500 Di- Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Anhydrous Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 2,5 Kg. M106580.1000 Di- Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate Gr For Analysis 1 Kg. M106462.1000 Sodium Hydroxide pellets EMPLURA® 1 Kg. M106462.5000 Sodium Hydroxide pellets EMPLURA® 5 Kg. M106469.1000 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets Gr For Analysis (Max. 0,02% K) Acs, Ph Eur UN1823 8, II 1 Kg. M106498.1000 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets Gr For Analysis Iso UN1823 8, II 1 Kg. M106498.5000 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets Gr For Analysis Iso UN1823 8, II 5 Kg. M105587.2500 Sodium Hydroxide Solution About 32% Extra Pure UN1824 8, II 2.5 Lt. M109141.1000 Sodium Hydroxide Solution C(Naoh) = 0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) UN1824 8, III 1 Lt. M109139.1000 Sodium Hydroxide Solution C(Naoh) = 0,25 Mol/L (0,25 N) UN1824 8, III 1 Lt. M109137.1000 Sodium Hydroxide Solution C(Naoh) = 1 Mol/L (1 N) UN1824 8, II 1 Lt. M109136.1000 Sodium Hydroxide Solution C(Naoh) = 2 Mol/L (2 N) UN1824 8, II 1 Lt. M109959.0001 Sodium Hydroxide Solution For 1000 Ml C(Naoh) = 0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) Titrisol® 1 Kt. M109956.0001 Sodium Hydroxide Solution For 1000 Ml C(Naoh) = 1 Mol/L (1 N) Titrisol® II 1 Kt. M106521.0100 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate Gr For Analysis 100 Gr. M106541.0025 Sodium Nitroprusside Dihydrate [Disodium Pentacyanonitrosyl Ferrate(Iıı) Dihydrate] Gr For Analysis 25 Gr. M106609.1000 Sodium Peroxidisulfate Gr For Analysis UN1505 5.1, III 1 Kg. M822286.1000 Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous For Synthesis 1 Kg. M106649.1000 Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M106303.1000 Di- Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate Emprove® Ph Eur,Bp,Nf \ 1 Kg. M106512.2500 Sodium Thiosulfate Anhydrous 2,5 Kg. M106516.1000 Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M109147.1000 Sodium Thiosulfate Solution c(Na²S²O³ 5 H²O) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titripur® Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1 Lt. M109950.0001 Sodium Thiosulfate Solution For 1000 Ml C(Na2S2O3)= 0,1 Mol/L (0,1 N) Titrisol® 1 Kt. M100213.0500 Sorbitol MacCONKEY Agar ( SMAC ) 500 Gr. M103853.0500 SS ( Salmonella Shigella ) Agar 500 Gr. M101252.0250 Starch Soluble Gr For Analysis Iso 250 Gr. M110274.0001 Sterikon® Plus Bioindicator For Checks On Autoclaving 15 Amp M110274.0002 Sterikon® Plus Bioindicator For Checks On Autoclaving 100 Amp M107651.1000 Sucrose For Microbiology 1 Kg. M110864.0500 Sulfite İron Agar (Base) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M800691.0100 5- Sulfosalicylic Acid Dihydrate For Synthesis UN2585 8, III 100 Gr. M112080.2500 Sulfurıc Acıd 98 % Gr For Analysıs UN1830 8, II 2.5 Lt. M100716.1000 Sulfuric Acid 25% Gr For Analysis UN2796 8, II 1 Lt. M480531.1000 Sulfuric Acid 62% Gr For Analysis, For The Determination Of Fat İn Cheese (D 1.52) UN1830 8, II 1 Lt. M100729.2500 Sulfuric Acid 90-91% For Gerber Fat Determination And Determination Of Milk 2.5 Lt. M100731.2500 Sulfuric Acid 95-97% for analysis EMSURE® ISO ( Cam Şişededir ) 2.5 Lt. M100731.2511 Sulfuric Acid 95-97% for analysis EMSURE® ISO ( Plastik Şişededir ) 2.5 Lt. M100713.2500 Sulfuric Acid 95-98% Extra Pure Ph Eur,Bp,Nf,Ph Franç UN1830 8, II \ 2.5 Lt. M100748.2500 Sulfuric Acid 98% For The Determination Of Nitrogen UN1830 8, II 2.5 Lt. M109074.1000 Sulfuric Acid C(H2So4) = 0,05 Mol/L (0,1 N) UN3264 8, III 1 Lt. M109984.0001 Sulfuric Acid For 1000 Ml C(H2So4) = 0,05 Mol/L (0,1 N) Titrisol® UN2796 8, II 1 Kt. M103854.0500 Tcbs Agar For The İsolation And Selective Cultivation Of Vibrio Cholera 500 Gr. M822147.0250 Tetraethylammonium Bromide For Synthesis 250 Gr. M108114.2500 Tetrahydrofuran EMPLURA® UN2056 3, II 2.5 Lt. M109731.2500 Tetrahydrofuran Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur UN2056 3, II 2.5 Lt. M818150.0100 Tin(Iı) Chloride Anhydrous ( % 97 ) For Synthesis UN3260 8, II 100 Gr. M108418.0100 Titriplex® Iıı Gr For Analysis (Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic Acid, Disodium Salt Dihydrate) Acs,Iso 100 Gr. M108418.1000 Titriplex® Iıı Gr For Analysis (Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic Acid, Disodium Salt Dihydrate) Acs,Iso 1 Kg. M108446.0001 Titriplex® Iıı Solution For 1000 Ml C(Na2-Edta · 2 H2O) = 0,01 Mol/L Titrisol® 1 Kt. M109992.0001 Titriplex® Iıı Solution For 1000 Ml C(Na2-Edta · 2 H2O) = 0,1 Mol/L Titrisol® 1 Kt. M108431.1000 Titriplex® Iıı Solution For Metal Titration C(Na2-Edta · 2 H2O) = 0,1 Mol/L 1 Lt. M108420.1000 Titriplex® Solution B For The Determination Of Alkaline Earth Metals İn Water 1 Ml «» 10 Mg Cao/L U 1 Lt. M105721.0001 Tlc Silica Gel 60 25 Glass Plates 20 X 20 Cm 25 Ünite M105554.0001 Tlc Silica Gel 60 F254 25 Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 Cm 25 Ünite M105715.0001 Tlc Silica Gel 60 F254 25 Glass Plates 20 X 20 Cm 25 Ünite M108323.2500 Toluene EMPLURA® UN1294 3, II 2.5 Lt. M108389.2500 Toluene For Gas Chromatography Suprasolv® UN1294 3, II 2.5 Lt. M108325.2500 Toluene Gr For Analysis Acs,Iso,Reag. Ph Eur UN1294 3, II 2.5 Lt. M808315.0250 P- Toluidine For Synthesis UN3451 6.1, II 250 Gr. M100043.0500 Tos -Propionate Agar 500 Gr. M100807.0250 Trichloroacetic Acid Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur UN1839 8, II 250 Gr. M100807.1000 Trichloroacetic Acid Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur UN1839 8, II 1 Kg. M808352.1000 Triethylamine For Synthesis UN1296 3 (8), II 1 Lt. M808245.1000 Triethylene Glycol For Synthesis 1 Lt. M108262.0100 Trifluoroacetic Acid For Spectroscopy Uvasol® UN2699 8, I 100 Ml. M808260.0101 Trifluoroacetic Acid For Synthesis UN2699 8 I 100 Ml. M108380.0010 2,3,5- Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride For Microbiology UN1325 4.1, II 10 Gr. M108382.0500 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)Aminomethane Gr For Analysis Buffer Substance Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 500 Gr. M108387.0500 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)Aminomethane Trıs Lab 500 Gr. M108603.1000 Triton® X-100 Gr For Analysis 1 Lt. M105458.0500 Tryptic Soy Agar Casein-Peptone Soymeal-Peptone Agar For Microbiology Usp 500 Gr. M107324.0500 Tryptic Soy Agar With Polysorbate 80 And Lecithin For Microbiology 500 Gr. M105459.0500 Tryptic Soy Broth Casein-Peptone Soymeal-Peptone Broth For Microbiolo Usp 500 Gr. M100550.0500 Tryptic Soy Broth Non Animal Origin İrradiated For Microbiology 500 Gr. M100550.5000 Tryptic Soy Broth Non Animal Origin İrradiated For Microbiology 5 Kg. M110859.0500 Tryptone Water For Microbiology 500 Gr. M111972.0500 Tsc Agar Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (Base) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M822184.1000 Tween® 20 For Synthesis 1 Lt. M822187.0500 Tween® 80 For Synthesis 500 Ml. M822187.2500 Tween® 80 For Synthesis 2.5 Lt. M108487.1000 Urea Gr For Analysis Acs,Reag. Ph Eur 1 Kg. M113203.0001 Uv Lamp_366Nm For Microbiology 1 Kt. Ürün Kodu Ürün Adı Ambalaj M101406.0500 VRB (Violet Red Bile Lactose) agar acc. ISO 4832 and FDA-BAM GranuCult 500 Gr. M104030.0500 Vrb Agar For Microbiology Fluorocult® 500 Gr. M110275.0500 Vrbd Agar Crystal-Violet Neutral-Red Bile Glucose Agar Acc. To Mossel For Microbiology 500 Gr. M115333.2500 Water for chromatography (LC-MS Grade) LiChrosolv®. 2.5 Lt. M188052.0010 Water Standard 1% Standard For Volumetric Karl Fischer Titration 1 G «» 10 Mg H2O Apura® 10 x 8 ml M188050.0010 Water Standard 0.01 % Standard For Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration 1 G «» 0,1 Mg H2O Apura® 10 x 8 ml M105448.0500 Wort Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M109278.0025 Wright S Eosin Methylene Blue For Microscopy 25 Gr. M101383.0500 Wright S Eosin Methylene Blue Solution For Microscopy UN1230 3 (6.1), II 500 Ml. M101383.2500 Wright S Eosin Methylene Blue Solution For Microscopy UN1230 3 (6.1), II 2.5 Lt. M105287.0500 Xld Agar Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar For Microbiology 500 Gr. M113919.0500 Xlt4 Agar (Base) For Microbiology 500 Gr. M108981.0100 Xlt4 Agar Supplement 4.6 Ml Supplement Solution To 1 Litre Of Xlt4 Agar (Base) UN3267 8, III 100 Ml. M108297.2500 Xylene (isomeric mixture) for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 Lt. M808697.1000 O- Xylene For Synthesis UN1307 3, III 1 Lt. M113116.0500 Yeast Extract Agar Acc. To Iso 6222 And Swedish Standard Ss Micro 500 Gr. M103753.0500 Yeast Extract Granulated For Microbiology 500 Gr. M116000.0500 Ygc Agar Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar Fıl-Idf For Microbiology 500 Gr. M109215.0500 Ziehl-Neelsen Carbol-Fuchsin Solution For Microscopy UN1992 3 (6.1), III 500 Ml. M108802.0250 Zinc Acetate Dihydrate Gr For Analysis UN3077 9, III 250 Gr. M108802.1000 Zinc Acetate Dihydrate Gr For Analysis UN3077 9, III 1 Kg.